Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Reflection On Team-Building Activities

Hi everyone! I did team building challenges today and I finally understood the true meaning of "Forging Excellence". It is about doing your very best in everything, even if you don't do well in it.

Of course, everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Not to brag about it, I think I am a smart person and I can help solve almost any problems in a flash.(Like I said, I'm not boasting.) So... that's my strength that helps me succeed in many things I do.

I think everyone should have a "Never Give Up" spirit and persevere in whatever they are trying to accomplish. It could be anything...from studies to sports...from cooking to
painting. Yep, that's it.

One person can make a difference. Yes, I know. You might be thinking only I can make a difference, but, no, everyone can. I feel that I can help my team (or class) succeed by keeping them together and not spend so much time on discussions. So that's all I have to say.

Bye folks!


  1. Hi o' buddy! This is Raymond Fong Guan Quan. nice blog u got there. :P BTW. can i ask u how u make post those fishes and polls? im new in this Blog Spot -_-"
